
My point is, life is about balance. The good and the bad. The highs and the lows. The pina and the colada.
― Ellen DeGeneres, Seriously….I’m Kidding

It is hard to believe that it has been almost nine months since my last post. Suffice to say, life has been extremely busy!!! Lots has happened in the last nine months, some of which I may blog about at some point. In actuality what made me decide to come back to the blog world was a conversation I had with a co-worker about balance. The conversation was about her keeping balance in her life between her personal, school, and work life. After pondering the conversation after the fact, I realized I needed to take my own advice and put some balance back into my life. In the last few months, I have been in a state of unbalance. I have spent way to much time working or thinking about work and not enough time or energy on things that matter in life. For my life to be in order, I need to find balance between work and my personal life.

On this first day of fall, I pledge to try to find more balance in my life. Balance between my personal life and my professional life. A few of the things I want to make sure to do are:

  • Leave work at work
  • Go on dates with my husband
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • Work out to help relieve stress
  • Blog

What do you do to keep the balance in your life?

“Here’s a nice image for a life in balance,” she said. “You’re juggling these four balls that you’ve named work, family, friends, spirit. Now, work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it bounces back. The other balls they’re made of glass.” “I’ve dropped a few of those glass balls in my day. Sometimes they chip, sometimes they shatter to pieces.”
― James Patterson, Roses are Red

P.S. A picture from my honeymoon


Wedding Wednesday — Showers

So I am back tracking to the beginning of all the wedding fun (can you tell I haven’t blogged in 6 months :)). After documenting our engagement and our beloved session, it is time to document the wedding showers.

I am one blessed lady — I had three showers thrown for me.

Shower 1

My first shower was given by my amazing Matron of Honor Meredith in her lovely home.

mere and I

Her home was beautifully decorated for the shower in yellows and greys. She definitely is quite talented in the hosting and decorating department.

decorationsdecorations 2

The shower was attended by several great friends, my mother, and Jason’s family. It was very relaxed, but a ton of fun. Meredith sent with each invitation a recipe card, so along with great gifts I got some amazing recipes from each and every lady at the shower. What a great idea. I have loved having these yummy recipes to add to my collection.


Thank-you Meredith for a great shower!

Shower 2

My second shower was in my hometown and was thrown by a good high school friend Katie, and two of my mom’s friends – Ann and Linda. This shower was attended by my friends and family from back home. I also was surprised by my best friend from college Jess who made the trip down for the shower!

The shower was hosted in Ann’s house and took place on a Saturday afternoon. The shower was beautiful and I was blessed with some great gifts. Sadly though I somehow do not have any of the pictures from the shower.

Shower 3

My third and last shower was a work shower thrown by some amazing ladies – Tracy, Megan and Nora. This shower took on a beach feel — perfect for getting in mood for our beach wedding.

work shower

It was nice to get to celebrate with my co-workers. I am so lucky to get to work with such awesome people! Thank-you all!

work shower 2

I can’t begin to tell you how incredibly lucky and blessed I feel. A big thank-you to all of you who helped throw a shower, attended a shower, and/or got us a gift! We love you all.

Fresh Start

With the start of each new year, people tend to think of it as a fresh start. It has become a time to make changes in one’s life and look forward to how the new year will be different from the year that just ended. The most common question in the first week of January always seems to be what are your new year’s resolutions?

I know that many years have started with me making a list of my personal resolutions for the year. What I seem to find though is by week 3 of January I can’t even remember what my new year’s resolutions are and I am definitely not working on my resolutions. 🙂

This year I have decided that I would still like to make a list of goals (aka resolutions), but I am going to make them more general, rather than so specific. Jason and I have spent time today discussing what are somethings we would like to accomplish in the coming year. I thought I would share some of my resolutions with you, hoping that by sharing I will be more likely to work through them:

1. I would like to live a healthier lifestyle. I don’t want to say I will lose x amount of pounds or say I will work out 5 times a week. I would just like to make a conscious effort to eat healthier and become more active, so that I do have more energy and just feel better.

2. I want to find or retake up some hobbies. With all that I managed to cram in last year, I realized that I hadn’t spent much time on hobbies. In fact, I don’t know that I could tell you a hobby I like anymore. I would like to get back into running and run some races this year. I would also like to maybe pick up some kind of crafty hobby. Time will tell. 🙂

3. I want to find ways to better manage my stress. I am hoping that with living a healthier lifestyle and taking some time to have hobbies, this one will work itself out. 🙂

4. I want to spend more time with friends and family. Life is precious, and I want to take each possible moment to learn more about the people I love. It is also during spending time with loved ones that precious memories are created. Here is to many great memories in 2013.

Do you make new year’s resolutions?

Happy New Year 2013

As 2012 is coming to end, we all spend some time reflecting on all that has happened in our lives over the last year. This past year has been full of memories, experiences, excitement, and trials. I have noticed that as my life has gotten busy, my blogging has seemed to go by the wayside — it has been two whole seasons since I have blogged — yikes! In the 6 months since I have blogged, I have:

– Written and defended my thesis

– Bought a house

– Gotten married

– Started a new job

I would like to blog about all these experiences, but that will have to wait until after the new year — stay tuned for an influx of blog posts. 🙂 I can say though that as the year closes I am starting to look toward the new year and see what 2013 will bring with it.

I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! May 2013 be rung in with a bang!

First Full Day of Summer

It is hard to believe that today marks the first full day of summer — with our weather it has felt like summer for a couple of weeks! 🙂 Yesterday which marked the summer solstice, also marked 4 more months until our wedding day! I cannot believe that it is coming up — I can hardly wait!


For me the start of each new season is a time to look at life and reevaluate where you are. So with the start of this new season, I thought it would be a good time to set out some goals I have for this season. I have also recently read about how goals are something we have more control over, where hopes are things we would like to happen, but don’t always have total control of. I like the distinction, so thought I would share some of my goals and hopes for summer with you!


1. Finish my thesis! I am so ready to have this written and done!!!

2. Drink 6-8 glasses of water. I feel so much better when I drink water daily.

3. Work out 3-4 times per week. I have let my exercise slack — hence why my weekly workouts have not been blogged. Time to get back into it.

4. Eat cleanly. I want to track my food at least 6 days a week to help keep me accountable. I have noticed that I truly feel so much better when I eat well. Now it is just a matter of following through with it!

5. Order and send out my invitations for the wedding.

6. Finish most of the smaller details for the wedding before I got back to work in August.


1. Pass my thesis defense!

2. Lose 10-15 pounds — I want to get back to my happy weight– the weight I feel best at.

3. Spend some time enjoying family and friends.

What are you goals and hopes for Summer?

Savannah with Mom

I have been meaning to blog about my trip to Savannah with Mom for a while, but haven’t managed to get it written, but it is time! 🙂 Right after school let out for summer, Mom and I took a trip to Savannah, GA for a few days. Mom wanted to get a feel for the city that will be the site of my wedding before the big day, and of course I was more than happy to show her around.

Mom and I drove down on a Saturday and stayed through Wednesday. We stayed at the extended stay Marriott on Bay Street. Location was fabulous as we were just up from River Street — on of my favorite streets in all Savannah. 🙂 Saturday night we ate at Lizzy’s (fabulous food and drinks) and took it easy. Tropical storm Beryl was threatening to make landfall in Savannah early in the week, so we decided to hit the beach and see where our ceremony would take place before we got hit with rain on Sunday. We lucked out with our location in that it is on the south side of Tybee Island down from the pier. I was starting to really get excited when we found our location and were walking on the beach! 4 more months.

After we walked around a bit on Tybee Island and saw the pier, we headed towards the Crab Shack for lunch. We really lucked out in that we got a corner table near the water under the tree. Perfect area to enjoy a yummy lunch!

Monday we were expecting Tropical Storm Beryl to make landfall, so we decided to do the Savannah Trolley tour to give Mom a sense of the city. I love doing trolley type tours as you learn so much about the rich history of the city. I also hear about all the various places I want to stop and see more of!

After the tour we had lunch at the Boar’s Head. This was a neat restaurant in that one — the food was delicious and two — the place was made from the ship masts of ships that came through the port. We sat near a window and watched a couple of ships come into the port as well as leave the port. It was a neat lunch!

Tuesday the rain finally came. I took Mom to Savannah Station so she could see where the reception would take place. We didn’t do much else that day due to the rain. We did though find a new cafe called Kayak Kafe that is amazing!! I so wish we had one of those here as I would frequent it often. We both had tacos that came on corn tortillas that may have been the best tortillas I have ever eaten. If you are in Savannah, I highly recommend this place!

We took it easy Tuesday afternoon and revisited River Street during a break in the rain.  The trip was a great time of bonding between Mom and I. She helped me try out new places to recommend to the guests while they are in Savannah. She was also full of great ideas for the wedding weekend. I had so much fun having a girls trip just with mom.

Thanks Mom for a fabulous girls vacation! Love you!!

Happy Father’s Day

102 years ago in Spokane, Washington on June 19, 1910 the first Father’s day was celebrated. A year earlier, Sonora Smart Dodd heard a sermon about Mother’s day and she told her preacher there should be a similar holiday to celebrate fathers. Sonora’s father was a Civil War veteran who had single-handedly reared his six children. The initial date suggested was June 5th (her father’s birthday), but the preacher didn’t have enough time to prepare a sermon, so it was set on the third Sunday in June — which continues to be the case a century later.

I am blessed in that I have a wonderful father who I get to honor on this date. I am also picking up a great father-in-law! Two amazing men that I get to celebrate on Father’s Day! While this date is set aside specifically to celebrate fathers, fathers should be celebrated year round. On this day though, I want to say a special thank-you to my father for all he has done the last 30 years and continues to do for me! I love you Dad!!

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there!

Sleepovers :)

 I can honestly say that I had some amazing sleepovers with my friends when I was a child — many nights of watching Dirty Dancing, choreographing dances, eating ice cream, and staying up way to late! With that being said though, I have to admit that I am starting to think that sleepovers with the girls as an adult are much more fun! Back in January, I had my first sleepover in years and had a fabulous time. This week I had another sleepover with one terrific lady! We decided to have a wine and cheese night.  We got all our cheese (mozzarella, gouda, and swiss) on a board, along with fresh basil, tomato, grapes and french bread — yum!!  We also poured some great white wine and headed out to the porch.


There we sat, enjoyed the yummy food, wine, and amazing company. It is as an adult that I feel sleepovers become a bonding time that brings a sense of relaxation! I am sure there is a variety of reasons that make adult girl sleepovers better, but at the heart of a great sleepover is an amazing friendship. I have been so blessed to meet, and re-acquaint with some amazing ladies who have shown me that women can be real and great friends. So thank-you to all my fabulous girlfriends who have taught me so much of what a great friend really is!!

Best 30th Birthday Gift — Skydiving!!

On my actual birthday, I get a text from my fabulous fiance Jason that he had booked my birthday gift and that I should be getting an email about it shortly. Of course, I was incredibly intrigued! All I had told Jason was I wanted something memorable for my 30th birthday and had given him no other clues. All by himself, he decided to help me mark off one of my bucket list items and booked both of us to go Skydiving — what a fantastic gift! I loved the fact that he thought this up and planned it out — perfect gift.

** Disclaimer — this a bit of a long post with lots of pictures, but hopefully you will enjoy it! 🙂

I was super excited about what Cinco de Mayo held for us. Friday night before we went, we were at dinner talking about skydiving the next day.  Jason comments to me jokingly, ‘I hope you have a will.’ I then of course have a moment of panic. I start googling stats for skydiving and reading everything I possibly can. I do learn that tandem jumping is pretty safe with very few fatalities. The majority of fatalities occur from experienced jumpers who are taking risks. Luckily the 80-year-old grandmother who fell out of her harness occurred after I had already gone skydiving.

Saturday morning we woke up early, and drove about an hour to the hanger where we would be skydiving with Skydive Panama City. We had a nice drive up, then arrived there about 9:30.

We watched a video on safety and then met our tandem instructors. I was paired up with a chinook Army pilot who was close to his 20 years in the Army. He also had 3600 jumps with over 2000 tandem jumps. He put me at ease and explained how it all would go. Jason was paired up with a Marine recon guy, so that was nice. We got our harnesses on and headed towards our plane.

We were headed up in a Cessna plane with an Army Black Hawk pilot as our pilot.

Jason’s first two skydiving experiences were with a much bigger company, so he went up in a bigger plane with lots of skydivers. I loved that we were in a small plane that only had Jason and I, our two tandem instructors, and our young army pilot. I was crammed up in the front of the plane next to the pilot, where I was warned not to hit the knobs with my head — no pressure. 🙂 I did feel my hair hit them a few times, so was a bit nervous. I also had a big guy (my tandem instructor) leaning on me and my leg pressed up against the door. Honestly thought it was a blessing in disguise, as I was focused on my poor leg rather than the fact that I was about to jump out of a perfectly good plane!

Jason on the other hand had lots of room — probably the best seat in the airplane! 🙂

Finally we reached altitude, and it was time to get attached to the tandem instructor as well as last-minute harness tightening (after the 80-year-old grandmother story I am very grateful for the tightening)!

After a few last minutes tips, it was time to open the door!

The scariest moment of the whole experience, was when I had to take my foot out and place it on the metal step over the wheel. Going 100 miles per  hour, my poor foot was shaking and it took me a moment to get it on the step. It was in that moment that I thought what am I doing!!

Can I do this? At this point though there was no  turning back!

It was time to jump! And off we go!!

From the moment we jumped out, I had an absolutely fantastic few minutes. I LOVED the free fall! We left the plane going 100 miles per hour, and reached about 125 miles during free fall. The feel of the air as you are jumping is amazing!

They tell you before jumping that if you feel like you can’t breathe it is because you aren’t breathing.  I never experienced a feeling of not being able to breathe, but I think part of that was because I was so concerned with making sure I would smile at the camera. I wanted a fun picture! Go figure!

And I get a thumb’s up for doing a good job from my tandem instructor! Go me!!

I truly had such a great time during free fall! I know I have already said this, but it truly is an experience like nothing else I have ever experienced!!

One of the things I didn’t notice while free-falling was how much wind is hitting you and how it affects your skin! Look at my arms — it cracks me up to see these pictures!

After about 45 seconds to a minute, he pulled the parachute!

We then coasted easily down towards the hanger! The coasting was a very relaxing experience. It was so quiet up there and just totally peaceful! It was fun to see the ground from up here and feel and experience nature in a very different way!

We made it safely to ground. The landing was very easy, especially since I was expecting it to be a hard landing. I put my feet up and we just sort of sat down on the ground. Would I do it again? WITHOUT A DOUBT!!

Jason also had a great experience on his third time skydiving. He was allowed to help steer the parachute, so that was a ton of fun for him! It was truly a fantastic experience!

Here we are on solid ground after our skydive! We both had such a great time and couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off our face!

Thanks babe for the best 30th birthday gift. I look forward to more fun experiences with you!!!!

 “A couple that plays together, stays together!’ 🙂

Belated 30th birthday post — part 2

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been a month since my 30th birthday, and several weeks since my last post. May literally flew by!! I will catch you up on the biggest moments of May.

** Disclaimer — there are a lot of pictures in this post! Continue at your own risk. 🙂

Two days after my 30th birthday, a group of us went to Panama City Beach to enjoy some beautiful weather as well as Thunder Beach bike week. We stayed in some lovely condos that were beach front — leading to a beautiful view of both the beach as well as the strip in PCB.

We were able to spend Wednesday evening through Sunday morning there in PCB. In those days, I managed to get in some  great time at the pool, the beach, enjoying the view from our porch, and time on the motorcycle.

Aside from hanging out at the pool, beach, and our lovely condo, we did go on several motorcycle rides to explore the area. Juju and I also managed to get in some shoping at Pier Park — a girl has to shop.

Saturday night, we celebrated Juju’s and my 70th birthday (we decided to say we were celebrating at 70th birthday rather than admit to our ages 🙂 ). We had a lovely cookout topped off with a great cake! Love the cake!

Thanks to all who helped celebrate my birthday with me. I truly felt very special.