Belated 30th birthday post — part 2

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been a month since my 30th birthday, and several weeks since my last post. May literally flew by!! I will catch you up on the biggest moments of May.

** Disclaimer — there are a lot of pictures in this post! Continue at your own risk. 🙂

Two days after my 30th birthday, a group of us went to Panama City Beach to enjoy some beautiful weather as well as Thunder Beach bike week. We stayed in some lovely condos that were beach front — leading to a beautiful view of both the beach as well as the strip in PCB.

We were able to spend Wednesday evening through Sunday morning there in PCB. In those days, I managed to get in some  great time at the pool, the beach, enjoying the view from our porch, and time on the motorcycle.

Aside from hanging out at the pool, beach, and our lovely condo, we did go on several motorcycle rides to explore the area. Juju and I also managed to get in some shoping at Pier Park — a girl has to shop.

Saturday night, we celebrated Juju’s and my 70th birthday (we decided to say we were celebrating at 70th birthday rather than admit to our ages 🙂 ). We had a lovely cookout topped off with a great cake! Love the cake!

Thanks to all who helped celebrate my birthday with me. I truly felt very special.