One Step at a Time

One step at a time…. led me to my longest distance ever!!! 14.05 miles!!

I can’t say I was looking forward to this run as I was not! I have never run more that 13.1 miles, so this was totally new territory for me. I slept in longer than I should and dilly dallied, but finally decided it was now or never… so off I went. I was spending the weekend in Gatlinburg, TN, but knew there really wasn’t anywhere for me to run 14 miles there without repeating the same course several times, so off I went to Pigeon Forge to run the strip. I was a bit nervous about where to park my car as I knew it would be sitting there for several hours while I took off on my run adventure. I ended up parking my car in the Tanger Outlets in Sevierville, thinking I could run from there through Pigeon Forge and back.

On my run I had the privilege of running past the Titanic museum, several putt putt places, multiple hotels and all the other fun attractions that bring people to Pigeon Forge  from across the country. As I neared the end of highway 441, I realized I was going to have to pass my car and run further the other way to get my 14 miles. For of those of you who don’t know me I hate passing my car on my run as I loose all motivation to continue running, so I intentially plan runs where I run in one direction for half way and then double back. At the end of 441 I only had 5.35 miles  — boo!!! Oh well, what is a girl to do? I saw the leaving Pigeon Forge sign at that point, but did not want to run on highway 321 as there are no sidewalks or shoulders really.  So I double back and enjoy the sights once more.

On my run back I notice that I see the sign that welcomes people to Sevierville and it dawns on me that I have just completed a first — I ran through 2 cities on 1 run!! Part of me was quite proud, but it also hit me just how many miles I was putting in. So for those of you who are curious — the Pigeon Forge strip is less than 5 miles and yes I ran the whole thing! At about mile 10.5 I am passing my car and truly considering quiting, I have run over 10 miles already! I convince myself that I need to keep going as I set out to run 14 miles and needed to pass the hurdle of noman’s land for me!

I will say those last two miles were brutal, but I did it and that is what matters! I proved I could run the distance and overcome mental hurdles! I was also lucky in that Saturday was very cloudy, which kept the temps down and the run much more bearable since I had a late start!

I completed my 14.05 miles in 2 hours, 55 minutes — nothing to write home about other than the fact that my legs went 14 miles in one sitting (okay not sitting — one run 🙂 ). My calves were yelling at me after the run, but surprisingly today I am okay. My quads are a little sore, but nothing bad at all! Another run in the books!

What is your longest run?

My Love / Hate with Running

So I have a confession to make — I have a huge love/hate relationship with running. I have run on and off for the last 15 years of my life (yikes — has it really been that long?!?), but I have never fully fallen in love with it. I must have some love for running, as I do keep coming back to it. Part of my problem with it maybe that I will never be a rockstar at it. My best friend in high school went to state for cross country and then was All-American in college — go Jenn, but unfortunately her talent did not rub off on me. Drive I have (I am training for a marathon after all), but talent I have none, zilch, nada!!! 🙂

Even with my total lack of talent, I feel I have a love/hate with each run. There are some runs that I enjoy – I feel great through the run and even better after having completed the run. Then there are runs that I am hating every minute of the run from the time I start until the run is finished. After those runs I am just glad it is over, but don’t necessarily feel great about it. Today was one of those runs. After taking of a few days from running due to a cold,I have had no motivation to get back to it. I did make myself run a 5 miler today and managed to complete it, but that is about all. I ran the run on the treadmill, and that may have been part of the problem as I just don’t seem to do very well on the treadmill. Oh well, another run in the books on my journey from Couch to Marathon!!

Do you love or hate running?

Failed Attempt

As you know I have been sorta following the Hal Higdon Novice  training. Per the schedule, I was supposed to run a long of 12 last week, and a half-marathon this weekend. I choose to run the Virtual Hotter than Hades Half-marathon and had planned to run a 14 miler this weekend. All this planning occured before I ended up coming down with a summer head cold — it is my opinion summer colds are the worst! Due to not feeling great at the end of this week, I have not run since Tuesday where I ran a 3 miler. I took yesterday off to rest, and was going to run a long run this morning. I got everything ready to run for several hours — my G2 gatorade, a GU, sport beans, water, and of course my Pandora set.

I knew within minutes of starting, the head cold was going to continue to torment me today through my run. I woke up feeling better this morning and thought I had kicked it, but my lungs told me something different as I started to run. I told myself I would just run as much as I could thinking I could run an 8 or a 10 miler at least — that would not be the case. I struggled my way through just a mere 2.5 miles. I will try again tomorrow after work and hope to get in an 8 or 10 miler and will use this week as a drop back week, running a 14 miler next weekend.

After my abismal run and a shower, I decided to make some Greek chocolate pudding. I saw this recipe somewhere (not sure where or the amounts of the ingredients) and decided to try it. Luckily I remembered the ingredients (or hope I did) to make it.

I ended up putting the entire container of greek yogurt in a bowl, added a packet of Truvia, a tsp of cocoa powder and a pour (not sure how much) of vanilla extract. Overall I was pretty impressed with it, but think next time it would be much better with the vanilla Greek yogurt.

Do you push through workouts when you are sick or skip them?

Hotter than Hades Virtual Half Marathon

This week I was schedule to run 12 miles for my long run, but opted to run the Hotter than Hades Virtual Half Marathon instead. I had seen this through several different running blogs and thought it sounded like fun. Luckily I have a great understanding boyfriend who was also up for running a half marathon distance — when you already have to run 12 miles, what is one more? I am scaring myself with this wayof thinking — I might just be becoming a runner after all. 🙂

I woke up early to meet Jason in Roane County, where we mapped up a run towards Oak Ridge to get in 13.1 miles. I actually remembered to take a picture prior to running… still no make up and tired eyes, but not sweaty and red.

 Off we went for our run. As usual we were both technically running at the same time in the same area, but not together. I took off at my own pace listening to my Today’s Hits station on Pandora. I was running a great pace for the first three miles, coming in at 34 minutes. By mile 5, I was only at 58 minutes — much faster than my previous 5 mile runs. I maintained about a 12 minute pace for miles 5 through 10 — running the first 10 miles in exactly 2 hours.

A little after mile 10 I had an incident with some silly small dog that decided to cross 4 lanes of traffic and come run with me. The entire time his owner is screaming at me to pic up her dog and bring him back — me pick up a strange dog?!? — I think not!! She continues screaming standing in her bathrobe in her yard. Finally after several yards of me screaming at the dog to go home and being aggravated, I ran to the other side of the road hoping the dog  would go home. He not only didn’t go home, he continued to follow me wagging his little tail not at all phased I was screaming at him to go home. After several hundred yards, he finally stopped and his owner was coming down the road. Needless to say this took the last little bit of umph I had!

The last 2 plus miles where hard and I lost all kinds of time. I did finish though with a time of 2 hours, 41 minutes with a 12:17 pace.

Jason forgot to check his map my run and ran 7 miles out, so ended up running 14 miles!! Go Jason — I am so proud of him.

We did take some post run pics with the lovely red sweaty faces. 🙂

I am so proud of the two of us! Another half marathon in the books!

Ready to Run

Oh yeah
Ready, ready, ready, ready…ready to run
All I’m ready to do is have some fun 

                            – Dixie Chicks

This week I have managed to run three days in a row — quite proud of myself I must admit. I truly could not tell you the last time I ran three days in a row! I may have put my goal for miles this month too low  as I have already run over 11 miles — go me!!


Daniel and I took off for our run at just after 6 on Tuesday for a 3 mile run. I have to admit I was super excited  when I saw that the temperature was 69 degrees — sweet — still warm, but better than high 70s. My legs were fresh, and I felt great! I ran 3.15 miles in just under 37 minutes for an 11:43 pace — my best yet!!! Yippee!


Sadly I haven’t gotten Daniel to run two days in a row with me yet, so I was on my own. I needed to run 5 miles today and accomplished it. I ran 5.1 miles in 1 hour, 5 minutes for a 12:40 pace. Have you seen the Milky Way Simply Caramel commercial where the swimmers swim in a pool filled with caramel? That is how I felt.. my legs were tired and I just felt like I was drudging through the run. Honestly I totally expected my time to be much slower! One more run done!


Last night I came home to spend some time with my mom, so this morning I went running near her home. I also decided to take her fabulously wonderful dog Sandi with me. It was nice to see different scenery and have a partner running with me. 🙂 I could feel the previous 8 miles from this week though with each step. My left quad was tight and sore, but all my joints feel great! Today I ran 3 miles in 40 minutes — yikes, not a  great time at all! I am quickly learning though the joys of running on tired legs.

So glad tomorrow is a rest day!!

Hills, Hills, and more Hills

Today for my long run, I got to do something really neat. My old running partner AM (she is now a biker, and I miss her running with me) and I drove up to Cades Cove to do the loop. The loop is open to only bikers and runners from 7 – 10 am. I was up at 5 and headed to AM’s by 5:40 and already 78 degrees F — urg.

By 6 am, we were on our way to Cades Cove. AM graciously agreed to ride her bike and accompany me on my run. Still my partner, even if not running beside me. 🙂 I had not been to Cades Cove in several years, with the last time being in a car. I have only ridden it on a bike once (way back in middle  school) and have definitely never run it.  AM forgot to mention all the hills that I would be facing.  🙂 I saw several people on bikes get up and walk up some of these hills — and I am supposed to run it…. yeah about that I walked up them. 🙂

Sadly there was no running sign, so just pretend the sign is a runner!

When we started the run, it was extremely foggy, which probably helped with the temperature, but made it harder to see all the lovely critters. The first three miles I was rocking and rolling averaging about an 11 minute pace per mile, but the last few miles were incredibly hard and my legs were tired, so that did not help my pace. I ended up running 10.5 miles in 2 hours, 11 minutes, for a 12:28 minute/mile pace. Not to shabby!!

We were able to see several deer, but no bears! I have yet to see a bear when I go up there. The scenery was absolutely beautiful!! Of course I did find time to take a few pictures along the route.

The fog.

At one point on my run, I turned the corner and was greeted by this smiling face.

There was also the sun rays starting to make it through the fog that were a gorgeous sight to see.

I also had to capture a picture of my fabulous partner — I love her! She also carried an extra water for me in her backpack — such a great friend!

As the run continued, the fog lifted and the sun was in full blast. I am so glad we started the loop just after 7.

And last but not least, a fabulous picture of moi looking ever so lovely on this run.

Do you prefer to run solo or with somebody?


Keep Running, Just Keep Running…

I realized it had been a few days since my last post, so I thought I would catch you up on my runs this week. Monday I took off for a 3 mile run in this hot muggy weather. I was pleasantly surprised though when my time was faster than my past runs… averaging 12 minutes, 49 seconds… sub 13 — yay! I know I have a long way to go, but I will take each improvement in stride. I was dripping though after the run — those 39 minutes were long, but the improvement time made it all worth it. 🙂

I took yesterday off from running for rest, but woke up early again this morning for a 4 mile run. I was lucky this morning, in that Daniel decided to wake up and run with me. Just one more guy though in my life, who has a much faster pace. 🙂 Even though we didn’t actually run together, it was nice to know he was out on the road with me.  Today was hot and muggy again, but I felt pretty good throughout my run. I have learned that for me that second mile is always the hardest — not sure why, but once I get past it the rest of the run feels much better.

I have been using the I Map My Run Android app, which tracks my runs. I set it to tell me every two minutes my total distance, my time, and my pace — this has really motivated me through the runs. Today I finished 4.06 miles in 50 minutes, 29 seconds… for a pace of 12:26 min/mile — woohoo!! My goal is to get down to a pace of 11:30 min/mile, which would have me right at the 5 hour mark for the marathon. One run at a time that is all I  can think about right now though. 🙂

I took some pictures today of my very important rock that sits outside my apartment complex, which is where I stretch after each run.

I have also included a picture of my handy dandy road ID, which I wear on my shoe — you can never be too careful.  Bobke from Tour de France would be proud… even though I am not a cyclist. 🙂

I also took my post run pic, but boy was I looking rough today!! After a good run, you think I would look a little better, but such is life. 🙂

Now I am just looking forward to cooler temps!!

100 Days and Counting…

Yesterday I took a trip to Runner’s Market to buy GU packets for my long run today. In previous training runs, I learned that with my low blood sugar I had to refuel in longer runs and GU worked for me.  If you haven’t tried GU, I highly recommend it!

Exactly 100 days from today, I will be running my first marathon — only 100 more days — yikes! Okay, now that I have come to terms with the days left, I did manage to get in a long run today. Today I ran 9 miles in 2 hours, 2 minutes.  My time per mile was actually 16 seconds faster than my 7 miler, so the steady improvement is definitely motivating. With all this talk of motivation and my run, let me quickly assure you that I was not feeling that about the halfway point. 🙂

But with a little GU and some water… I just might be able to finish. 🙂

I think I can, I think I can… must keep repeating to myself.  Okay, so maybe I got a little silly on the run… hey whatever it takes to get through the runs right. Plus it gives you some entertainment. 🙂 

Well I did complete the run, and the reward was I got to go have brunch with my great friend Meredith and her fabulous daughter Bri, but first a nice cold shower!

What do you like to do after a long run?

Improving Slowly :)

Tuesday Jason and I logged 700 miles back from NY to TN, so needless to say my body did not want to wake up Wednesday morning to log in a run. I decided the solution would be I would head to the gym in the afternoon and run my 4 miler on the treadmill. This was my first run on a treadmill in weeks and not my favorite, but at least I got some miles in. As I continue to run I am learning that I much prefer runs outside, but a treadmill run every once in a while changes things up.


Luckily, my run did not feel at all like the cartoon above. Actually I had a great run! I decided I was  going to do scheduled walking through my run. I would run for 8 minutes, then walk for 2 minutes and managed to only walk during scheduled walk breaks for the entire 4 miles. I finished the 4 miles in 47 minutes, 20 seconds! My endurance is slowly improving and that is allowing my times to continue to improve — YAY!! Today is a rest day for me, as tomorrow I am tackling 9 miles – :/

Do you prefer to run outside or on a treadmill?

Running on Vacation

Often when I leave town and go on vacation, I seem to leave all healthy habits at home. I don’t tend to exercise the way I should unless it is part of the vacation — like walking around shops or going on a specific hike, etc. This vacation I was gone for 6 days and managed to exercise 3 of the — pretty proud of myself. On Saturday morning Jason, Daniel, and I went on a five mile run through the Connecticut River Valley. We were actually staying in Fairlee Vermont, but crossed the Connecticut River and ran in Orford, New Hampshire as well. It was neat to run a 5 mile run and be able to be in two different states through the run.

As I have commented before, Jason and I do not run at the same pace, so he and Daniel took off running and I set out at my pace for the run. At the start of the run the temperature was a nice chill 56 degrees Farenheit — we have not see it in the 50s in Tennessee in weeks. What a difference temperatures make in runs!!

For the many times I have come to visit my Grandmother in this Connecticut River Valley — this was the first time I went running through the area. I was so glad I did, as it was a beautiful run. I enjoyed seeing what had changed in the last few years since my last visit as well as all that looked exactly the same.

From the Bed and Breakfast we stayed at to the river, it was just over a mile. Bit of trivia — it is the Connecticut River that seperates Vermont from New Hampshire. 🙂 I then ran across the beautiful bridge and found Daniel — he really liked Jason’s pace, but after two knee surgeries late last year, he found he didn’t have the endurance to keep up. Personally I enjoyed having Dan’s company, so I was not upset he had waited for me.

Dan and I ran through Orford and saw so many of the sites that had come to be familiar from visits with Grams. It was a very nice run to think back on the many memories we had created in this lovely little town.

I have to give Daniel mad props as he had not run in months and managed to make it 5 miles — go Daniel!!! I kept telling him he could go back, but he was determined to make it with me. 🙂 For me the run felt great as the temperature was a lovely break. I ran 5.1 miles in 64 minutes — so no complaints from me.

When we all returned to the Bed and Breakfast we sat in some chairs and enjoyed a few minutes to just chill and relax. 🙂

Do you fit exercise in on vacations? If so what do you do?