Now What??

When I first started this blog back in March, I started it to document my couch to marathon journey. I literally had not run in years when I opted to sign up for the marathon. Now I have completed that goal! While I am SUPER proud of myself for having completed a marathon… me the non runner after all, I am feeling a bit of now what? Running long runs has been a part of my weekend for months now… now there is no more reason to run for 3-4 hours each weekend. I am feeling a bit of a let down and sense of missing something in my life.

Time for new goals… A running coach was sitting next to my dad last Sunday on a flight from DC, and he asked my dad if I had caught “the bug” after having run my first marathon. He said many people catch the marathon bug and do more, and others never run another one. Well I can tell you that I have caught the bug – I definitely want to run another marathon. However, right now I need to focus on other goals. I want to run a few half-marathons and really work on my speed. I need to get over the fear of running faster… I can improve my time and I will improve it!! I also want to start getting into other forms of exercise — get back to doing Zumba, maybe take up mountain biking.. the sky is the limit. 🙂 My last goal in the exercise department is to pick up weights… it is one of my 30 before 30 goals, and it has not occured yet. Hopefully these goals will be enough to keep me satisfied and challenged for now. 🙂

Do you have feelings of now what after having completed a goal?

Post Marathon Surprise

Jason proposed!!!! And of course I said YES!!!!

Our Story

On our very first date, Jason and I talked about running. We had both run a few races, so somehow we started talking about running a marathon. He is a Marine, so of course we started talking about the Marine Corps Marathon in DC. We joked about running it the following year, which did not happen, but two years later we did run it. It was both of our first marathons, so there was a lot of excitement. Jason had decided a while ago that this race would be the perfect time to propose.(I found out about this after the fact)

He took the ring in his camel pack that he carried through out the entire race — I love that my ring ran with him for 26.2 miles.

He had every intention of proposing after I finished (I was over an hour behind him 🙂 ), but with the thousands of people at the finish line and the huge mud pit, he opted not to do it there. It had rained, snowed, and sleeted the day before so the finish line was nasty! While I loved his idea, I am actually glad he didn’t do it there as it would have been so public (and dirty).

He actually proposed late that night, when it was just the two of us! He got my attention, and as I turned around he was standing there with a ring box open, where he asked me to marry him! It was truly perfect! My favorite part, was after I said yes, he told me he wanted to get down on his knee, but he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to get back up!  I tear up just writing all this down! I absolutely LOVE this man, and do not think he could have picked a more perfect day to propose!!

If you are wondering… Yes I was totally surprised! I was not expecting it at all, which added to the day. October 30, 2012 will go down as one of the best days of my life! Not only did I have the high of having finished my first marathon, but my best friend asked me to be his wife! What more can a girl ask for?

The Ring

Jason went all by himself to pick out this ring. He knew what he wanted and did it all by himself — no help from his sisters, my friends, or even his friends! One more reason that it is perfect… I love that it was his pick!

How did I get to be so lucky? Now I get to plan a wedding where I am marrying my best friend!!!

Marine Corps Marathon

I AM NOW A MARATHONER!!!! I did it!! 

This is Jason and I right before we took off. I think we ran together for all of a couple hundred yards before he took off. A quick kiss and an I will see you when I finish… then it was me and the road. I got into a rhythm and watched the mile markers go by. I actually took my camera with me, so did take some pics along the way.

One of my favorites:

Miles 1-20 felt great… I was not super fast, but I was feeling great. I did have in my head though from mile 18 on that I kept running my personal distance record as my longest training run was 17.85. I hit that long bridge around mile 20 which really took the energy out of me! My mom and brother Rob were tracking me and said that all of the sudden my time went way down. I started struggling both physically and emotionally. We then went through Crystal City which was also long and hard for me. I did get some renewed energy in the last few miles — I knew that I was going to complete this marathon and that was all that mattered.

.2 more! I can do this. Little did I know though that the .2 was a short steep hill — really?!? Who does this? Oh well… I did it! I got up that hill and made it to the finish line.

My wonderful boyfriend was waiting there for me at the finish line! I remember rushing into his arms and bursting into tears. I had finished — me the non-runner had finished. I was about 13 minutes slower than I my goal, but it didn’t matter. I accomplished my goals — I crossed the finish line standing up; I was nowhere near the last person to finish; and I finished before they started closing down!!

After the race, we met some friends at Ragtime for some food and drinks! Jason and I both completed our first marathon!

Our medals — we were both so proud!!

Stay tuned for what happened after the race! 😉

14 days and counting….

Until I run a marathon; it is hard to believe that I am already in the home stretch. At times it feels as if it was just the other day when we were signing up to run this marathon, and yet it has been almost 8 months since that day in February when I was on the couch and  agreed to run a marathon.

Saturday morning, I went out for a long run. I did not run last weekend due to my sprained ankle, so I knew I had to run this weekend. I went out knowing I had to do at least 12 miles, but would see how I felt and might do as many as 20. I did not actually run 20, but rather only ran 15.5. I knew from the get go my time was not  going to be good as I could feel my ankle with every step I took. I wont say that I was in pain per say, but definitely was very aware of my ankle. About 11 miles in, I started cramping up. I have got to start drinking more water the 24 to 48 hours prior to a long run. The sad thing is I know this, but with it being Fall break, my Friday was off and therefore the water intake was not at all where it needs to be. With my body, I am learning that I react strongly to dehydration and it is totally preventable. I will have a water bottle with me from now until October 30… need to be well hydrated. 🙂

After Saturdays run, I have only one more semi long run of 8 miles next weekend, then the marathon. I CAN DO THIS!!!

“In running, it doesn’t matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, ‘I have finished.’ There is a lot of satisfaction in that.”    -Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder

Running Update

As most of you know, I sprained my ankle on my long run last weekend. I have been really good this week, wearing a brace, icing my ankle and elevating whenever possible. I had originally planned on running a semi long run today, but decided to wait just a few more days. My plan now is to run a short (3-4 miles) either tomorrow or Tuesday and then run my last long (20 miles) on either Thursday or Friday (yay Fall Break!). 21 more days until the marathon — yikes, the end is almost in site!! Through this journey of training for this marathon I have learned a lot about myself. I have found that I do enjoy running and the benefits or it! I have also learned that I am much stronger than I thought — I would have never imagined I could run 18 miles in one run! Now I just have to get through these last 21 days and the actual marathon!

A good friend told me that “running is in the heart, nowhere else.” (Thanks Nora!) I think through this process I have learned that is very true. We all know I will never be a Boston qualifier, but I am still a runner! I also found this quote from Bill Bowerman that I think also describes it so well. I have tested myself many times and found that I do have heart and that is what has carried me through this and will continue to carry me through the .2 and the 26 miles that come before it!!


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good

This week my plan was to run somewhere between 18 and 20 miles as I am entering my last month of training. I woke up Saturday feeling somewhat dehydrated and with a tad bit of a sore throat, so I decided to run on Sunday. Sunday morning I woke up again with a sore throat, but knew I had to get in a long run. Jason and I started our runs around 10ish as it was quite a chilly morning.  We opted to take a picture before our run when we aren’t all red and sweaty. 🙂

Even with a sore throat and some drainage, I was rocking and rolling through the first few miles. I had run 5.1 miles at the hour mark making my pace less than 12 minutes — woohoo! I continued with an average pace of around 11.45 ish through mile 7. I felt really good… my legs were fresh and I was not struggling with my breathing even with the drainage. The weather was in the low 60s, so it felt great out.

The Bad

Unfortunately, due to various reasons my run was cut short ending around 15.75 miles, which ended in 3 hours, 25 minutes — still right around that 13 minute pace.  I was really bummed that I was not able to finish my 20 miles, but hey another long run in the books!

The Ugly

The actual reason my run was cut short was I ended up spraining my ankle on the run. Right around mile 7, I was trying to figure out what a car was doing as it looked like it was about to pull out — long story short I was not paying attention to the ground I was running on. Sadly there was gravel on the road I didn’t see and end result was I turned my ankle. Really?!?  Now?!? Oh the many things that went through my head. My first thought was I just rolled it so I could walk it off. I was also thinking  I am 7 miles away from the truck and Jason is somewhere ahead of me, so what do I do. I opted to keep going. My ankle continued to hurt for the next several miles as I walked/jogged. Somewhere around mile 9 my ankle started feeling better, I could still feel it with every step, but not an excruciating pain, so onward I went. My ankle held out for several miles, but somewhere near mile 14 I knew there was no way I could continue. As I continued going forward I was figuring about what time I thought Jason would finish and therefore come get me.  Mile 15 and 1/2 found me texting Jason “Please come get me when you finish.” Shortly after that I lost all my composure, I found a grassy spot in the shade, took my shoe off to see the damage and burst into tears. How could this happen? I then could not seem to get my running shoe back on due to the pain which only brought more tears.

I finally did get up and get my shoe on and hobbled onward. Somewhere about 1/2 mile to a mile later, my knight in shining armour came and rescued me. Thanks Jason!!!

End result — I have hobbled for the last two days, but I did not tear any ligaments, just a 2nd degree sprain. My plan is to baby it … brace, elevate (whenever possible) and ice … for the next few days. I am hoping that if I am careful and good I will be fine! Afterall, I have a marathon to run in 25 days!!

P.s. the choice of colors for the good, the bad, and the ugly was intentional. 🙂

An Actual Short Run :)

33 days and counting until the big marathon day! I have decided that in this last month I really need to pick it up and go strong to finish (I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel). One thing I have not done well in September is getting in my short runs. I have gotten in several great long runs, but I have totally skipped out on my short runs. There are several reasons for this — work is in full swing, grad school has started back, and the list goes on, but honestly it is just excuses. So this last month, running is going to be a huge priority. I have already told several friends and family, that I am not willing to commit to anything in October when it comes to my social life as running is going to take priority. This is where I am letting you all hold me accountable, so please do!!!

Today after work I decided was the day to start! I came home after working for almost 10 hours, put on my running clothes and took off for a short run. I decided to run 3 miles — 3 miles sounds amazing and almost unreal! I took off for a run a little before 6 with just my phone. I felt so much lighter due to not having water or energy gel. I actually also felt great through the run, my legs felt surprisingly fresh (no feeling of having just run almost 18 miles two days previously). 

Unfortunately though I did have some down sides to my run today. First and most important, it was hot! Secondly, I saw my running skirt (which I haven’t worn in a long time) in my workout clothes drawer and decided to wear it. I bought this before my third half-marathon at their expo, and have not worn it many times. The skirt has shorts underneath the skirt that are supposed to hug your leg. They are great to walk in, and maybe bike in, but not so much for running. The shorts kept riding up my legs and I felt that I spent most of the run tugging on the shorts.

Super cute skirt, but now I remember why it was at the back of my workout drawer. 🙂 I need to stick to bermuda length running shorts or capris for my runs!!

I had a pretty good run today running 3.26 miles in 37.50 minutes for an average pace of 11.37 seconds per mile.  Not too shabby.

I loved this short run… three and four mile runs are what I think I am going to keep doing post the marathon. 33 more days! I can do this!!

A Short Sunday Run…

Haha… that was so not the case, but I couldn’t resist the title. 🙂 Unfortunately I did not sleep well Saturday night due to a snoring dog whom I was dogsitting. I was not looking forward to a run, much less an 18 mile run — what have I gotten myself into? I am too far into this training to not run, so off I went.

For the last several weeks, I have actually been running without music. It has become “ME” time, time to think, time to work out the world’s problems, and just time to let my mind wonder. About five miles into my run, it dawned on me that I still had an entire half marathon yet to run — I think I made some loud noise as I startled a biker coming up on me. I was spending all my energy on running, so I didn’t even say anything to the runner. Haha… he probably thought I was a little crazy.

Thirteen miles into my run… I was at a crossroad and could have gone back to my car and made it a 14 miler or I could go on. I decided I needed to do this, so I continued running. I surprised myself when I hit 16 miles and was several minutes faster from my time from last week. I ended up running  just shy of 18 miles, with a total of 17.85 miles and an 8 second faster pace than my run last weekend.

I am currently thinking it is realistic for me to finish the marathon in 5 hours, 30 minutes. I can do this.

After my run, I decided to sit in an ice bath to cut down on the swelling. I have read about this from several other runners and decided to give it a try. I can say it was a bit of torture to make myself sit in this icy water, but worth trying.

I can say while the process was not fun… you can see me easing into the icy cold water, I do believe it does help. I was hardly sore at all today, not sure I will do it after each run, but maybe.

2 more long runs before the marathon… I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

A New Appreciation…

An earlier start time — check

Cooler temperatures — check

A pack that doesn’t bounce — check

No rolled ankles — check

No wanting to quit and lay on the sidewalk — check

16 miles completed — check

This morning I woke up early and had a pre-run meal of a banana, a piece of toast with peanut butter, and of course the much needed coffee. I am most definitely a coffee girl especially first thing in the morning.

I then got all my things ready for my run. Thanks to advice from a friend (Thanks Nora!) I purchased the amphipod hydration system. Iordered the belt from amazon, as it was cheaper and offered free shipping. I did order two extra bottles with their docking bases from Amphipod which came Thursday. The belt has still not arrived, but luckily the bottles worked on my Nathan’s belt, so all is good. It worked really well and NO bounce — woohoo!! I also took GU with me, and used 3 of them on my run. Definitely gave me the energy I needed.

 My pre-run picture…

All in all the run went really well. I completed 16 miles in 3 hours and 30 minutes (a mere 7 minutes more than my horrible 13.7 miler last week).  I have come to be realistic in my abilities. I have run on and off for many years and have never had speed. I have a ton of heart, but no talent. I will not ever be a Boston qualifier and have desire to be. I do know that I am slower than most people who call themselves runners, but this is not a competition and I do not need to make it one!

On my run today, I gained a new appreciation for my legs. Confession time — I have never really liked my legs. I find them chunky and have always wanted slender legs. Today though I learned to love them!  My chunky legs carried my body 16 miles and did not give up on me! They continued to carry me throughout the day even after my run — pretty miraculous if you ask me!

My post-run picture! Still smiling this time. What a difference one week makes!!

After my run, I was even able to be normal and not seem dead to the world! I just might be able to finish the marathon after all. My goals for the marathon are 1. Cross the finish line standing up. 2. Not be the last person to finish. and 3. Finish before they start closing down (okay I better be done way before that happens, but you never know). 🙂

Have you ever gained new appreciation for you body after you pushed it really hard?

13.7 Mile Wog

Wow, it has been awhile since I have blogged. Life has been busy and unfortunately my blog has fallen by the wayside — time to focus on it. 🙂 Due to traveling (one weekend in Gatlinburg and one in Nashville) along with all the rain we have had in the last week, my running has also fallen by the wayside — I need to get on this one.

I decided today was the day I was going to run another long and get back on track as I have 49 days left before the DC Marine Corp Marathon. I was eating my breakfast prior to the run and turned on the TV to find the 9/11 Memorial going on. I was automatically hooked and had to watch the rest of the program documenting 9/11 10 years later. It brought moments of tears from all our country experienced ten years previous, but it also brought pride for our country!  There were so many heroes that day. I am proud to be an American!!


I ended up watching the entire memorial, and then headed out for my run. It was already after 11 before I even started running — that was a bad idea!! It was warm and the the sun was shining brightly, much too warm for a long run, but off I went. I knew from my previous long run that I needed to take more water, so I opted to take my hiking pack that would carry two bottles of water  — bad idea number two of the day. While I did have more water with me, it sloshed and moved the entire time — pure misery!


I absolutely love my Mountainsmith tour pack for hiking, but it does not double as a running pack! Between the heat and the pack, I had my worst run ever. The run was so bad, I am calling it a wog (walking/jogging). I think I walked for over half the run. The first two miles I was fidgeting with the pack trying to get it as tight to my body as possible so that there was the least amount of movement as possible. Miles 2 through 6 were okay (okay is probably being generous), but that is the only miles that were okay. Around mile 6 I realized the sidewalk ended on the road I was running on; it was too busy a road to continue running. I did find a commercial subdivision and managed to get another two miles in there. Sadly though I also managed to roll my ankle on a branch in the road — great just adding to this lovely run. I was able to walk off the rolled ankle and continue — good thing as I was at least 6 miles away from my apartment.

The run only continued to get worse… around mil 9 my legs started cramping (I believe that I was dehydrated even though I was drinking water, but just not enough). By mile 12 I just wanted to be home, and had no other thoughts in my head other than home. I am pretty sure I walked the entire last 3-4 miles. The last mile it was everything I could do to even walk. I was in so much pain and contemplated just sitting down on the sidewalk. I managed to push through and hobble home. My wog ended up being only 13.7 miles (shy of the 16 miles I was headed out to do) and my slowest run to date!!

Lessons I learned today — I have to run in the early mornings from now on, and I have to find a better way to take water with me. I also am coming to realize my only true goal for the marathon, is to cross the finish line after 26.2 miles standing up — time will be irrelevant!!

Post my run, I did make a smoothie and took a loooong hot bath! I am fairly new to smoothies, but managed to make a pretty decent one today. I was pretty out of it, so there are no pictures. I used milk, vanilla flavored whey protein, a banana and some frozen blueberries — a definite repeat!

How do you take water with you on a long run?Â