Running Update

As most of you know, I sprained my ankle on my long run last weekend. I have been really good this week, wearing a brace, icing my ankle and elevating whenever possible. I had originally planned on running a semi long run today, but decided to wait just a few more days. My plan now is to run a short (3-4 miles) either tomorrow or Tuesday and then run my last long (20 miles) on either Thursday or Friday (yay Fall Break!). 21 more days until the marathon — yikes, the end is almost in site!! Through this journey of training for this marathon I have learned a lot about myself. I have found that I do enjoy running and the benefits or it! I have also learned that I am much stronger than I thought — I would have never imagined I could run 18 miles in one run! Now I just have to get through these last 21 days and the actual marathon!

A good friend told me that “running is in the heart, nowhere else.” (Thanks Nora!) I think through this process I have learned that is very true. We all know I will never be a Boston qualifier, but I am still a runner! I also found this quote from Bill Bowerman that I think also describes it so well. I have tested myself many times and found that I do have heart and that is what has carried me through this and will continue to carry me through the .2 and the 26 miles that come before it!!
