Post Marathon Surprise

Jason proposed!!!! And of course I said YES!!!!

Our Story

On our very first date, Jason and I talked about running. We had both run a few races, so somehow we started talking about running a marathon. He is a Marine, so of course we started talking about the Marine Corps Marathon in DC. We joked about running it the following year, which did not happen, but two years later we did run it. It was both of our first marathons, so there was a lot of excitement. Jason had decided a while ago that this race would be the perfect time to propose.(I found out about this after the fact)

He took the ring in his camel pack that he carried through out the entire race — I love that my ring ran with him for 26.2 miles.

He had every intention of proposing after I finished (I was over an hour behind him 🙂 ), but with the thousands of people at the finish line and the huge mud pit, he opted not to do it there. It had rained, snowed, and sleeted the day before so the finish line was nasty! While I loved his idea, I am actually glad he didn’t do it there as it would have been so public (and dirty).

He actually proposed late that night, when it was just the two of us! He got my attention, and as I turned around he was standing there with a ring box open, where he asked me to marry him! It was truly perfect! My favorite part, was after I said yes, he told me he wanted to get down on his knee, but he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to get back up!  I tear up just writing all this down! I absolutely LOVE this man, and do not think he could have picked a more perfect day to propose!!

If you are wondering… Yes I was totally surprised! I was not expecting it at all, which added to the day. October 30, 2012 will go down as one of the best days of my life! Not only did I have the high of having finished my first marathon, but my best friend asked me to be his wife! What more can a girl ask for?

The Ring

Jason went all by himself to pick out this ring. He knew what he wanted and did it all by himself — no help from his sisters, my friends, or even his friends! One more reason that it is perfect… I love that it was his pick!

How did I get to be so lucky? Now I get to plan a wedding where I am marrying my best friend!!!