Now What??

When I first started this blog back in March, I started it to document my couch to marathon journey. I literally had not run in years when I opted to sign up for the marathon. Now I have completed that goal! While I am SUPER proud of myself for having completed a marathon… me the non runner after all, I am feeling a bit of now what? Running long runs has been a part of my weekend for months now… now there is no more reason to run for 3-4 hours each weekend. I am feeling a bit of a let down and sense of missing something in my life.

Time for new goals… A running coach was sitting next to my dad last Sunday on a flight from DC, and he asked my dad if I had caught “the bug” after having run my first marathon. He said many people catch the marathon bug and do more, and others never run another one. Well I can tell you that I have caught the bug – I definitely want to run another marathon. However, right now I need to focus on other goals. I want to run a few half-marathons and really work on my speed. I need to get over the fear of running faster… I can improve my time and I will improve it!! I also want to start getting into other forms of exercise — get back to doing Zumba, maybe take up mountain biking.. the sky is the limit. 🙂 My last goal in the exercise department is to pick up weights… it is one of my 30 before 30 goals, and it has not occured yet. Hopefully these goals will be enough to keep me satisfied and challenged for now. 🙂

Do you have feelings of now what after having completed a goal?